CHELSEA TANO remembers the feeling of growing up with walls covered in colorful art all around her as if she were in an art gallery. Her father, Frankie J. Gilmore, a Navajo accomplished artist taught his daughter the most priceless skills, while being her greatest example as a recipient of the joys that come thru art.  As Chelsea has voiced on many occasions, “Though I haven't been able to study art thoroughly as most artists nor do I have countless years of experience, I was able to learn from the best mentor possible, my father.” Although she had spent some time during her teens in a few art classes, it wasn't until recently, now in her early thirties, that she decided to go with her heart and let her passion take hold.

A mother of three young, beautiful children, Chelsea undoubtedly honors her role as a mother and believes it to be a major source of joy and inspiration.  She spends her days as a stay at home mom/homemaker, which has presented her with perhaps the greatest trials and teachings about her character.  The first few years of her life she was raised in Salt Lake City, Utah as her mother is of British decent. From the latter part on she resided in Kayenta, Arizona (Navajo Nation), as her father is full Navajo.
Living within the parameters and influence of two cultures, as well as being married to her husband, Rocky Tano, who is a mix of various cultures including, Filipino, Japanese, and Navajo, has allowed for a deep appreciation as she embraces the beauty found within all cultures.

As a graduate from Northern Arizona University, with a degree in Accounting, Chelsea quickly found herself displaced and knew that her personality was not cohesive with a confined office environment. With her known embrace of the Spirit and her Father in Heaven she has entrusted her future in a path that allows her to share interpretations of life's beauties. At present, Chelsea happily resides in Hawaii with her husband and three children.

...“It's true what they say, Native Americans do dream in color.”
(A statement directed to Chelsea while attending a Fine Arts class at the University of Utah, SLC, Utah)